Bidding online

You can bid by logging in to the Homes4Spelthorne site, which is usually quickest and easiest.

Key Workers

Key Workers are those who work in certain public sector jobs such as teachers, police, NHS staff, firefighters etc. who may be eligible for discounted rented accommodation.

Transfer Schemes

There are other options available for relocating for both existing social housing tenants and homeseekers. Please use following links to learn more:

Extra Care

Extra care is a provision within Spelthorne Borough that caters to the 55+ age group for those who need supported accommodation and care.

KGE Properties

Knowle Green Estates Ltd (KGE Ltd) is a housing company, owned by Spelthorne Borough Council. The company’s primary purpose is to help the Council meet the housing needs of local residents by providing a range of different types of housing, including affordable rented accommodation, private rented accommodation and key worker homes.